From Ribbon Commander Documentation

rxCustomUI models element CT_CustomUI of the MS Custom UI XML specification which specifies the root control in the Custom UI hierarchy.
Property Name
addinDescription | (read-only) Returns the add-in description of an rxCustomUI object's context |
application | (read-only) Returns a weakly-typed reference to the target application object |
contextId | (read-only) Returns the unique string identifier of an rxCustomUI object's context |
customUIMode | The rxCustomUI object's mode |
dispatchObject | A client-supplied dispatch object for delegate callbacks |
dispatchObject_weakRef | A client-supplied dispatch object for delegate callbacks held by weak reference |
isEmpty | Read-only property; returns true if the control is empty |
isLive | Read-only property; returns true if the control is live |
isReloadPending | (read-only) Whether a reload is required in order to display all changed state in this context |
maxTargetOfficeVersion | The maximum office version override for this context |
officeRibbonUI | (read-only) Returns a weakly-typed reference to this context's Office RibbonUI object |
parent | The control's parent object |
targetOfficeVersion | (read-only) Returns the major version of the hosting Office application |
Contained Controls
Property Name
backstage | A reference to the backstage of this context |
commands | A collection of commands |
contextMenus | A collection of context menus |
namespaces | The collection of XML namespaces used in the control's context |
ribbon | A reference to the ribbon of this context |
ribbonXControls | The collection of all Dynamic RibbonX controls in this context |
Method Name
activateTab | Activates a custom tab |
activateTabMso | Activates a built-in tab |
activateTabQ | Activates a custom shared tab |
clear | Clears the control's state |
invalidate | Invalidates all controls in this context |
invalidateControl | Invalidates a single control in this context |
invalidateControlMso | Invalidates a single built-in control in this context |
make_delegate | Creates a new rxDelegate object that is associated with this context |
populateFromXml | Reads this context's state from xml |
refresh | Renders this context's UI |
rxCustomUI(string, string, rxCustomUIMode) | (.NET-specific) Constructor |
serializeToXml | Serializes this context's state to xml |
Static Methods
Method Name
create | Creates a new rxCustomUI context |
defaultInstance | Returns the rxCustomUI of the default context |
globalCustomUIs | (VBA-specific) Returns the collection of rxCustomUI objects with global dispatch in the current session |
Delegate Name
onCallbackError | Callback used to report errors that occur during other callbacks |
onLoad | Callback invoked when custom UI is loaded |
loadImage | Callback used to load all images |
Event Name
OnCallbackErrorEvent | Callback used to report errors that occur during other callbacks |
OnLoadEvent | Callback invoked when custom UI is loaded |
OnLoadImageEvent | Callback used to load all images |